Thursday, January 14, 2016

Scratch Game Idea

For my Scratch unit project, I am going to make a game using Scratch.
In this game, there will be a sprite following the cursor and trying to avoid certain things and catch other things. The theme will be underwater, and there will be a medium size fish that will avoid sharks and go after smaller fish or fish food. The scoring will go up by one every time that the big fish eats the small fish and maybe it will go up by three if it eats a rare colored fish. In this game, I'll use the timer variable to set each level for a certain amount of time so if the right score isn't reached in the right amount of time, you'll have to start over. You win each level when you get to a certain number of points, maybe around 10. I think that I'll have around 2 levels, but if I have time I'll make a third. The levels will increase in difficulty by making the goal score higher to reach and the fish harder to catch. I'm not sure what to call my game yet but I think it'll be fun.

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